+351 932 606 089 info@mariapicnicazores.com

About Us

After living a long time away from the island, I decided to return to those little things that make me feel happy … to have contact with the immense nature that surrounds us and to reconnect with my wonderful childhood memories.

Ever since I was young  I have loved  picnics. In my family this is a very old tradition and common practice in Azorean culture. I was always very enthusiastic about the preparation of meals (at home) and experienced the joy of  opening  picnic baskets in the field. Of course our laughter accompanied the summer aromas, as after the meals we would remain lying on the blankets to contemplate the landscape …

Baskets, their decoration, composition and the menus were carefully devised and created by me and I have adapted them to the different types of picnics.


After I open the Maria pic-nic company, I discover other passion in my life… the cooking classes. On these experiences, I can share the old recipes from my family, but also I enjoy to have clients at my house, and have the feeling that they leave as friends. When my clients request, I also do team building, home cooking, chef at home or I prepare a boxe with my prefered snacks from Azores Islands.

As a family friend company, its my intention to provide our visitors the pleasure of enjoying a good Azorean meal in our stunning natural surroundings, feeling the peace and tranquility of our landscape, whilst having an authentic Azorean experience.

Enjoy the nature, have a pic-nic with us!